Friday, July 29, 2011

Miss Me?

Of course not, because I have no followers and no one loves me. Everybody hates me. I'm down in the garden eating worms... Oh well. I'm on Twitter now, too. Not that anyone cares, but I'm there now @Flowers4Leda. I'm doing important things, like promoting my museum idea and following a lot of left handed famous/wealthy people, who I hope will help me build my museum. My first four followers were porn stars, okay? I know, it just means they jump on anyone who's new to Twitter in hopes that we'll click on their porn vids. Well, you can follow me if you care to. I don't care. Really, I don't. I could care less. I've got more important things to do than caring about whether people follow my Tweets. Like right now, I have to go watch some old reruns of AbFab, a show created, written by, and acted in by fabulous lefties... But you don't care, do you...?