I'm sure everyone has an opinion about the Jay Leno/NBC/Conan O'Brien debacle. Leno is a power lefty, and again, like most power lefties, he used communication to get there. I find it so interesting that Leno was able to win back The Tonight Show, and I just wish I knew more about all of the behind the scenes stuff. If you look at the three power lefties I blogged about back in November, they've all had similar types of power struggles, and all have faced great PR nightmares. Of course, Bill Gates had a lot of problems with Microsoft, including huge lawsuits and being made to seem like the Darth Vader of computer software. Oprah Winfrey has faced every kind of adversity you can think of, including huge media scandals. Michael Bloomberg has faced adversity with both his company and as mayor of New York City, where he successfully ran for his third term in office, after being the person who'd said back in 2001 that Rudolph Giuliani shouldn't be allowed to stay in office for a third term after the 9/11 attacks.
What does it all mean?
Well, in a nice way, it means that they all have lots of moxie. Or to be crude, BIG BALLS! And also, they have very good crisis management teams.
I have to say I've been thinking about all of this because my 2010 Capricorn horoscope says I need to take more risks and basically, learn to be tougher. I want to take inspiration from the power lefties and say, you know what, I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore! I want a better job, I want a raise, I want a more secure future, I want to be a power lefty! I just need to grow some balls. Of course, I see Leno, Winfrey, Bloomberg and Gates as inspirations for what they've done to advance our kind, but I also see that sometimes they just had to be what I consider mean. It's hard for me to be really mean. If someone said to me, well, it's his TV show now, like they said to Leno, I'd be all, okay, sorry, just thought I'd ask. Leno was like, so? It was mine first, so nah! And if someone said to me you can't be mayor again, I'd be like, okay, I'll just quit now. Bloomberg was like, watch me, mofos.
I know, having a ton of money helps you to have big balls, or big money=big moxie. But I feel like all of my power lefties had the balls before they had the money. They took chances and risks that most of the time I feel too timid to make. I need the power lefty push. I need something inside that makes me feel like it's okay to risk small things in order to get big things.
How do I get there?